You probably eat these 9 cancer causing foods every day!

Stop eating these foods from now on

There are many different factors that can influence what we choose to eat, including cultural and personal preferences, availability of food, and nutritional needs. We all know it is important to choose a variety of foods to ensure that the body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Eating healthy food is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. It can help to prevent or reduce the risk of certain health conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. But what if we think we’re eating healthy, when we’re actually poisoning ourselves? Did you know that there are things you eat every day that significantly increase the risk of cancer?

You may be thinking, just about everything causes cancer these days, so who cares? But the 9 products on the next pages have been scientifically proven to increase the risk of cancer. One out of three people develop cancer! You can take action today to protect your health against cancer in the future. First you need to know which 9 foods you should avoid from now. Discover the foods you should really stay away from!

1. Canned tomatoes

Canned tomatoes are tomatoes that have been peeled and packed in a can, along with a liquid such as juice or puree. They are typically less expensive than fresh tomatoes and are available year-round. Some people prefer the taste and texture of canned tomatoes to fresh tomatoes, especially when they are not in season. Did you know that fresh tomatoes are very good for your health and even help you prevent cancer? Pay attention! This is not the case with canned tomatoes! How is this possible? Most cans are provided with a thin layer on the inside, which is usually made of bisphenol A (BPA). Research shows that BPA affects the hormonal activities in your body and the way the genes function in your brain. Because tomatoes are so sour, this is extra dangerous! The acid releases the toxic chemical from the can and leaks into the tomatoes. BPA shows a connection with different types of cancer, heart disease and fertility problems. Our advice: put canned tomatoes aside right away and choose tomatoes in glass or fresh tomatoes instead.

Discover the foods you really shouldn’t eat anymore!

2. Farmed salmon

Natural fish, especially salmon, is known as one of the healthiest foods. Eating salmon can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health and brain function. It is also a good source of protein, vitamin D, and other nutrients. But not all salmon products are actually healthy! In Europe, a large part of the salmon is farmed in farms. Farmed salmon is salmon that is raised in an aquaculture setting rather than being caught in the wild. It is a common source of seafood and is popular due to its relatively low cost and year-round availability. This fish receives unnatural food and is often contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and other carcinogenic substances found in materials such as asbestos. Farmed salmon is also fatter than fresh salmon, so it absorbs more toxins. Make sure you choose fresh instead of farmed salmon!

3. Processed meat

If you’re a meat lover, it might be hard to give up tasty sandwiches and a piece of meat. But be careful with eating processed meat products! Processed meat refers to any meat product that has been modified through various methods of processing, including curing, smoking, or adding preservatives. This is a long list that includes sausage, bacon, hot dogs and most cold cuts for bread. Years of study are showing us that 1 out of 17 people died who ate 160 grams of processed meat. That’s 44 percent more cancer risk than people who ate 20 grams or less! Meat processing uses a huge amount of chemicals and salt to keep them looking fresh. A large number of preservatives are also used, including the same substances that you find in cigarette smoke! Do you want to reduce the risk of cancer? Then we advise you to put the processed meat products aside and only eat fresh meat products.

4. Potato chips

You’ve probably eaten potato chips before. They are delicious as a snack or for a dish. Potato chips are thin slices of potatoes that are deep fried or baked until they are crispy and crunchy. They are often seasoned with salt or other flavors and are a popular snack food around the world. They may be cheap, easy, and delicious. But these crunchy, addictive snacks can kill! Potato chips contain artificial flavors, dyes and various preservatives. Another risk is the presence of acrymalide. This is a substance that occurs in cigarettes. These are chemicals that your body is not waiting for at all and significantly increase the risk of cancer. For example, try oven-baked potato chips, tortilla chips, baked apple chips, whole-grain pretzels, or even chips made from bananas. Protect your health and give your body a much healthier snack than potato chips!

5. Light products

Being overweight increases the risk of cancer. That is why it is wise to eat less fat. You may think you’re doing the right thing when choosing a food with a ‘diet’ or ‘low fat’ label. We’re sorry, but you’re actually doing a lot more harm than good. The chemical artificial sweetener aspartame is the major culprit that causes cancer, birth defects and heart problems. Aspartame is an intensive sweetener, which is about 200 times sweeter than sugar and hardly provides any calories. It is made in a factory. All foods that you see in the supermarket marked light or low in fat are chemically produced and made from insidious ingredients. So, pay attention: everything labeled ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’ is chemically processed and is not real food! These foods also contain additives as found in cocaine. These additions are there to make you feel good, but they are also very addictive. Be smart and eat nature’s delicious, natural foods like fruits and vegetables.

6. Alcohol

We all know that alcohol is not good for our health. Alcohol consumption is the second leading cause of cancer right after tobacco. Although moderate or low alcohol consumption can be healthy and lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking has been known to cause heart failure, strokes, and sudden death. Excessive alcohol consumption is the leading cause of cancer in the esophagus, liver, mouth, intestines and breast. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, which means that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that alcohol consumption causes cancer. Of course, you can still enjoy a glass of wine at dinner or have a drink from time to time. Think strongly about your health and stick to just one glass.

Discover more foods you really shouldn’t eat anymore!

7. Red meat

Red meat is a type of meat that is red in color when it is raw, and becomes brown when it is cooked. It is typically higher in fat and cholesterol than other types of meat, such as chicken or fish. Pay attention if you like a delicious steak! People who eat meat such as steak and burgers on a daily basis are at greater risk of developing deadly cancers. The risk increases as much as 22% for men and 20% for women. It is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can increase the risk of certain health problems if consumed in excess. Some studies have suggested that regularly consuming large amounts of red meat may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, particularly colon cancer. So, enjoy your steak every now and then, but don’t do this more than once a week. If you’re craving red meat, stick with grass-fed, organic beef.

8. Vegetable fat or oil

Vegetable fat is a term that is often used to refer to solid fats that are made from vegetable oils through a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation involves adding hydrogen atoms to the chemical structure of the oil, which causes it to become solid at room temperature. Vegetable fats are commonly used in the production of margarine, shortening, and other baked goods, as well as in the food service industry for frying. Vegetable oil cannot be obtained naturally but is removed by a chemical process. They are often used in many foods that you have in your kitchen. This is to preserve the lifetime and color of the products.  Unfortunately, these oils cause many victims and are the cause of cancer, birth defects and heart disease. Therefore, NEVER cook with vegetable oils but use healthy oils such as olive oil, soy and canola instead.

9. Refined sugars

Refined sugars are sugars that have been processed to remove impurities and give them a finer texture. They include white granulated sugar, brown sugar, and confectioners’ sugar, as well as other types of specialty sugars like powdered sugar. Refined sugars not only provide weight gain but are also cancer cells’ favorite food! To grow and multiply, cancer cells prefer sugars who are filled with fructose. Fructose is considered one of the leading causes of cancer and is found in every candy you can imagine. Foods like cake, pie, biscuits, juice, soda, cereal and many more popular products are stuffed with it. With so many people addicted to sugar treats, it’s no wonder the cancer rate is still booming. It is generally recommended to limit the intake of refined sugars and choose healthier sources of sweeteners, such as honey, maple syrup, and fruit, instead.

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