You probably eat these 9 cancer causing foods every day!

9. Refined sugars

Refined sugars are sugars that have been processed to remove impurities and give them a finer texture. They include white granulated sugar, brown sugar, and confectioners’ sugar, as well as other types of specialty sugars like powdered sugar. Refined sugars not only provide weight gain but are also cancer cells’ favorite food! To grow and multiply, cancer cells prefer sugars who are filled with fructose. Fructose is considered one of the leading causes of cancer and is found in every candy you can imagine. Foods like cake, pie, biscuits, juice, soda, cereal and many more popular products are stuffed with it. With so many people addicted to sugar treats, it’s no wonder the cancer rate is still booming. It is generally recommended to limit the intake of refined sugars and choose healthier sources of sweeteners, such as honey, maple syrup, and fruit, instead.

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